
baseboard plugin

The Baseboard plugin for Vectorworks streamlines the creation of baseboards and moldings, offering several advantages over traditional methods like extrusions and wall styles. It includes pre-defined profiles and multiple features enhancing both efficiency and flexibility.

  • Parametric Profiles: Choose from 3 profiles – rectangular, rounded, and chamfered, plus 15 varied additional scalable profiles.
  • Custom Profile Mode: Draw any complex profile with multi-texture support, allowing for intricate designs and/or LED light inserts from a simple 2D shape.
  • Ready-to-use Paramount Moulding Profiles: Includes 23 baseboard profiles and 5 corner casing profiles. More profiles will be added via free updates through the membership.
    paramount baseboard parameters
  • 90° Corner Symbols: Automatically insert any 3D symbol into all corners to create stunning mouldings with corner blocks
    90 corners blocks
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